Y a-t'il une situation plus frustrante que de sortir à un show, un bar ou même chez grand maman et de croiser quelqu'un avec exactement le même t-shirt que vous! Contrairement aux magasins de centre d'achats où vous payez une trentaine de dollars pour le même chandail que votre ami, nous chez EXO avons décidé de remédier à cette fâcheuse situation en vous offrant LA meilleure sélection de t-shirts de vos bands préférés. Nos derniers arrivages incluent de tout nouveaux modèles de; The Black Dahlia Murder, We Came As Romans, MissMayI et plusieurs autres. Pour les fans de The Devil Wears Prada, sachez que nous avons maintenant plus de 15 modèles différents! Un choix de couleurs et de designs comiques et macabres si impressionnant que vos stretchs n'en croiront pas leur trous! Venez nous voir au shop downtown Québec ou au www.exoshop.com!
Is there anything more frustrating than hanging out at the bar, a show or even at your grandma's and see someone wearing the very same shirt as you. Contrarly to mall shops where you pay about 30 bucks for the same shirt your friend (and many other people) already have, we, at EXO, have decided to avoid this sticky situation by offering you THE largest selection of all your favorite band shirts. Our latest arrivals include brand new shirt designs from; The Black Dahlia Murder, We Came as Romans, MissMayI and many many more. For all The Devil Wears Prada fans out there, we now carry a selection of over 15 different models all available in-store and online in the next few days! Visit us at the shop downtown Quebec or online at www.exoshop.com!
Is there anything more frustrating than hanging out at the bar, a show or even at your grandma's and see someone wearing the very same shirt as you. Contrarly to mall shops where you pay about 30 bucks for the same shirt your friend (and many other people) already have, we, at EXO, have decided to avoid this sticky situation by offering you THE largest selection of all your favorite band shirts. Our latest arrivals include brand new shirt designs from; The Black Dahlia Murder, We Came as Romans, MissMayI and many many more. For all The Devil Wears Prada fans out there, we now carry a selection of over 15 different models all available in-store and online in the next few days! Visit us at the shop downtown Quebec or online at www.exoshop.com!