Ben oui... Exo supporte INDY depuis '89! Pas de farces, Independent à été une pierre angulaire dans l'industrie du skate depuis que le monde est monde! Quand vous pensez axes INDY(comme boutique Exo) le premier mots qui vous vient en tête c'est qualité! Beaucoup de compagnie sont apparues et ont disparues quand on parle de ''trucks'' plusieurs encore aujourd'hui continues de battre pour une place de choix mais Indy à bâtie une compagnie à l'image de ses trucks: Solide et là pour durer! Venez voir la nouvelle sélection de Trucks et T-shirts que nous avons au magasin et sur le site web!
Yeah... EXO has been supporting INDY since '89! No jokes!
Indy has been a corner stone of the skateboard industry for as long as I can remember.. and when you think of Independent Trucks, just as with EXO, you think of quality. A lot of truck companies have started since Indy.. not all have survived and a lot are still holding the fort.. but nothing can beat INDY!! Come check out the new selection of Trucks and Tees we have at the shop and online!
Indy has been a corner stone of the skateboard industry for as long as I can remember.. and when you think of Independent Trucks, just as with EXO, you think of quality. A lot of truck companies have started since Indy.. not all have survived and a lot are still holding the fort.. but nothing can beat INDY!! Come check out the new selection of Trucks and Tees we have at the shop and online!
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