En tout cas, si on as autant de neige cet hivers qu’on a eu de pluie cet automne, la saison risque d’être excellente pour… le skate, ou plus tôt le SNOW-SKATE! Alors pour les skateurs guerriers qui se résigne a jouer a Skate 3 tout l’hivers en attendant le printemps, EXO est fier de leur annoncer l’arrivée de la collection complète des snow skates Ambition (une compagnie d’ici en plus)! Les six modèles seront disponible a la « shop », pour vous, question de « rider » le nouveau skate plaza sous la neige, ou n’importe quel autres « spots » entre la haute et la basse ville :P Le promo (vidéo) d’Ambition est complètement sick!! Snow-skate ou pas, si tu fais du skate ou du snow, check le vidéo!
Well what can I say.. if it snows this winter the way it has rained this fall it's gonna be a great season to... skate or should I say SNOW SKATE? So if there are any true skaters out there who are not totally into the snowboard scene and you know in advance that playing EA SKATE 3 all winter long is going to be similar to what we can call self-torture, you can try out this interesting action sport at teh skate plaza before anyone else actually can. We here at EXO are proud to introduce Ambition snow-skates to the shop; this company from our own backyard even has this sick promo video up on the web... check it out above it just might get you interested.
Well what can I say.. if it snows this winter the way it has rained this fall it's gonna be a great season to... skate or should I say SNOW SKATE? So if there are any true skaters out there who are not totally into the snowboard scene and you know in advance that playing EA SKATE 3 all winter long is going to be similar to what we can call self-torture, you can try out this interesting action sport at teh skate plaza before anyone else actually can. We here at EXO are proud to introduce Ambition snow-skates to the shop; this company from our own backyard even has this sick promo video up on the web... check it out above it just might get you interested.
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